Yotta Navigation to continue development of Mobile Activity Tracking System (MATS) for USAF
Yotta Navigation Corporation has been awarded Phase II SBIR Contract with the USAF to develop a compact, rugged, reliable, and cost-effective Mobile Activity Tracking System (MATS) for military simulations and field training exercises (FTX). MATS will consist of wearable Human Motion Trackers (HMT) modules usable over long-duration training missions both indoors and outdoors, and either with or without GPS access.
The HMT can securely communicate warfighter location and activity information in real-time with multiple other types of devices. In addition, HMT uses an extensible open architecture approach which allows for multiple options and configurations based on user needs. A robust DIS interface is included. The core HMT technology has been proven in many urban and field settings. During Phase I, Yotta Navigation worked with AFRL and AFSOC stakeholders to tailor HMT with the most desired features for their live, virtual, and constructive (LVC) training. MATS builds on many years of experience building dismounted navigation systems for the US Army, Navy Special Warfare (SEALs), and the Intelligence Community (IC).
The team assembled for this SBIR includes hardware, software, security, and networking industry veterans. The project is led by a prior service military officer with years of tactical field experience.